Get ready

Each organisation has their own form of contract. Each contract needs to be reviewed to ensure it is relevant to your particular situation. These documents need to be very detailed and cover off every possibility.

Get started

  • Have a look around to see what designs you like
  • Talk to the builder to see if they may be able to create the design you are after.
  • During the planning phase, you will need to think of everything, right down to the last light switch and tap.
  • From there, you will be able to work out detailed plans and specifications, obtain a quote/s and finalise the contract. 

Key things to consider

  • Do your payment dates line up with the value of the work done?
  • Does your bank funding align with when your payments are required?
  • Is your final payment due after your Code of Compliance?
  • Are the plans and specifications sufficiently detailed to ensure you get what you’re expecting?
  • What guarantee do you have for the work done? 

How much is it going to cost?

'No surprises' is our motto. We want to be upfront on what the property transaction you are embarking on is going to cost you so you can manage your budget. The cost will include the fees you pay for our work but also other related expenses such as council fees and Land information registration fees. 


Our team

Buying, Selling, Leasing, Building, Developing, Subdividing, Financing Property.  Our property experts have seen it all and have you covered whether it be your first home or a development of 1000's of lots.

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